Hah. Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. You'd think it'd be a pretty neat duo, but it was just meh. The two are pretty funny, but the wit and sarcasm is lost between their fumblings throughout Jersey...or New York...where ever they were.
Anywho, Tina and Steve make a pretty good upper-middle class suburban white folk boring couple with a house, dog, and 2.4 kids. (They should have just used their real names as the character names...Tina and Steve....much more bland than whatever their character names where)...It wasn't as funny and sarcastic as I expected it to be, which was a little disappointing. But, they make for a good chuckle if you are in need of one.
Either way, this is just a movie to rent when you're bored one night. I'd take Monty Python over this any day.