Monday, July 12, 2010

Toy Story 3

Yup. It's just as all the critics said it was. Cute. Charming. Touching. Frightening (but only for a moment!). Definitely a good ending to the series my generation has grown up with. The creators did not try to cheese it up at with some sappy story about how Andy keeps his beloved toys on his shelf for the rest of time, but made it much more realistic as to what would really happen (thank god). Hopefully Toy Story doesn't turn into a mass-market-put-whatever-story-we-got-out-there type thing and try to wring every last penny out of its audiences. (I don't think it will.) This finale left us all in a good spot knowing that Andy is going to carry on with life and that the toys will have a not-so-dismal future ahead of them. Hooray!

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